Why Arenʼt There More Left-Handed Guitar Options in Stores?

Why Arenʼt There More Left-Handed Guitar Options in Stores?

Have you ever walked into a guitar store, excited to find your dream instrument, only to realize that the selection for left-handed players is limited? If you’re a left-handed guitarist or someone shopping for a left-handed guitarist, you may have experienced this frustrating situation. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind the scarcity of left-handed guitar options in stores, exploring the challenges faced by left-handed players and the industry as a whole. Whether you’re a left-handed guitarist yourself or simply curious about the topic, this article will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of why left-handed guitars are not as readily available as their right-handed counterparts.

1. Left-handed Guitar Market Size

When considering the issue of limited left-handed guitar options, it’s important to examine the market size for left-handed players. While left-handedness occurs in approximately 10% of the population, this number doesn’t necessarily correlate to the demand for left-handed guitars. Many left-handed individuals have adapted to playing right-handed guitars due to the lack of options available to them. This means that the market demand for left-handed guitars may be smaller than one might expect.

2. Manufacturing and Production Costs

Manufacturing and production costs play a significant role in the availability of left-handed guitars. It is more expensive for guitar manufacturers to produce left-handed models as they require separate production lines and specific components. This extra investment can be a deterrent for manufacturers, especially smaller ones, who may choose to prioritize producing right-handed guitars with higher demand.

3. Limited Left-handed Celebrity Endorsements

Celebrity endorsements can greatly impact the popularity and demand for specific guitar models. However, there is a noticeable discrepancy between left-handed and right-handed celebrities endorsing guitars. Many renowned guitarists, who serve as influencers in the industry, are right-handed and predominantly showcase right-handed instruments. The lack of left-handed celebrity endorsements may contribute to lower demand for left-handed guitars, leading manufacturers to focus their efforts and resources on right-handed models.

4. Retail Considerations

When it comes to the selection of guitars in physical stores, retailers face space limitations. The majority of guitarists are right-handed, so it is understandable that retailers prioritize stocking right-handed guitars, as they cater to the larger customer base. In an effort to maximize sales, stores often choose not to allocate shelf space to left-handed models that may have lower demand. This further exacerbates the issue of limited options for left-handed guitarists.

5. Online Retail and Customization

While physical stores may have limited space for inventory, the rise of online retail has opened up new possibilities for left-handed guitar players. Many online retailers now offer a wider selection of guitars, including left-handed models, catering to a global market. Additionally, the option for customization has also become more accessible. Left-handed players can now order custom guitars tailored to their specific needs, making it easier to find the perfect instrument.

6. Lack of Awareness and Education

The lack of awareness and education surrounding left-handed guitars is another contributing factor to the limited options available in stores. Many aspiring guitarists, both left-handed and right-handed, may not even be aware that left-handed guitars are a possibility. Music education systems often focus on right-handed instruments, leaving left-handed individuals feeling isolated or forced to adapt. By increasing awareness and education about left-handed guitars, we can encourage manufacturers and retailers to provide more options for left-handed players.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is it possible to convert a right-handed guitar into a left-handed one?

A1: Yes, it is possible to convert a right-handed guitar into a left-handed one. However, this process can be quite complex and may require professional assistance to ensure proper functionality and playability.

Q2: Are left-handed guitars more expensive than right-handed ones?

A2: Left-handed guitars are not inherently more expensive than right-handed ones. The prices of guitars, regardless of their orientation, are determined by various factors such as brand, quality, and materials used.

Q3: Can left-handed guitarists play right-handed guitars?

A3: Yes, many left-handed guitarists play right-handed guitars. Some left-handed individuals may find it more comfortable or easier to adapt to right-handed playing due to the limited availability of left-handed guitars.

Q4: Why don’t manufacturers produce equal quantities of left-handed and right-handed guitars?

A4: Manufacturers produce guitars based on market demand. Since the majority of guitarists are right-handed, the demand for right-handed guitars is significantly higher than that for left-handed ones. As a result, manufacturers tend to produce more right-handed models.

Q5: Can a left-handed guitarist achieve the same level of skill as a right-handed one?

A5: Absolutely! The orientation of your guitar does not impact your ability to become a skilled guitarist. With practice, dedication, and proper instruction, left-handed guitarists can achieve the same level of skill as their right-handed counterparts.

Q6: What are some popular guitar brands that offer left-handed models?

A6: Many popular guitar brands offer left-handed models, including Fender, Gibson, Ibanez, and Epiphone. These brands recognize the importance of catering to both left-handed and right-handed players and have expanded their offerings accordingly.


Despite the challenges and limitations, there are options available for left-handed guitarists. Online retail and customization have made it easier to find left-handed guitars, and manufacturers and retailers are gradually recognizing the importance of catering to left-handed players. By increasing awareness, education, and demand, we can further encourage the industry to offer more diverse options for left-handed guitarists. So, whether you’re a left-handed guitarist or someone searching for the perfect instrument, remember that the limited availability of left-handed guitars shouldn’t discourage you from pursuing your musical passion.