In Deciding Whether To Use A Right- Or Left-handed Bow, What Is The Determining Factor?

When it comes to choosing between a right- or left-handed bow, the determining factor lies in understanding your dominant eye. While many people assume that it’s based on whether you are right or left-handed, this isn’t always the case. Your eye dominance plays a crucial role in determining which hand you should use to hold the bow. In this article, we will explore the importance of eye dominance and how it influences your choice of a right- or left-handed bow.

Factors to Consider

When it comes to deciding whether to use a right- or left-handed bow, there are several factors that come into play. These factors include your dominant hand, eye dominance, physical preference, instructor’s recommendation, and bow availability. Each of these factors is important to consider in order to make an informed decision that will enhance your performance and overall experience as an archer.

Dominant Hand

Understanding Dominant Hand

Your dominant hand refers to the hand that you naturally use for most tasks. For the majority of the population, this is the right hand. However, there is a small percentage of individuals who are left-handed and have a natural preference for using their left hand for daily activities. Determining your dominant hand is crucial as it will dictate the hand you will use to draw and hold the bow.

Choosing Based on Dominant Hand

If you are right-handed, it is recommended to use a right-handed bow, and if you are left-handed, a left-handed bow would be more suitable. This is because the dominant hand provides better control and coordination, allowing for a more precise and accurate shooting technique. Using a bow that matches your dominant hand will feel more natural and intuitive, making it easier to develop your archery skills.

Eye Dominance

Understanding Eye Dominance

Eye dominance plays a significant role in archery, as it determines which eye you should align with the bow and the target. The dominant eye is the one that your brain relies on to process visual stimuli. It is important to choose a bow that complements your dominant eye, as this will enable you to aim and shoot more accurately.

Choosing Based on Eye Dominance

To determine your dominant eye, there are various tests that can be conducted. One common method is known as the “ocular dominance test.” If your dominant eye aligns with your dominant hand, it simplifies the decision-making process. However, if your dominant eye and dominant hand are different, you may need to make adjustments in your shooting technique or consider using a bow that matches your dominant eye rather than your dominant hand.

Physical Preference

Understanding Physical Preference

Physical preference refers to your personal comfort and preference when it comes to holding and shooting a bow. This includes factors such as the draw weight, bow length, and grip style that feel most natural and comfortable to you. Different individuals may have varying physical preferences based on factors such as their height, arm length, and strength.

Choosing Based on Physical Preference

When selecting a bow, it is important to consider your physical preferences. Trying out different bows and experimenting with various draw weights and grip styles can help you determine what feels most comfortable and suits your individual needs. Choosing a bow that feels right in your hands will make the experience of shooting more enjoyable and increase your overall satisfaction with the sport.

Instructor’s Recommendation

Importance of Professional Guidance

Seeking the advice and guidance of a qualified archery instructor is highly recommended, especially for beginners. An instructor can provide valuable insights and expertise based on their experience and knowledge of the sport. They can assess your individual needs and recommend the most suitable bow based on factors such as your dominant hand, eye dominance, and physical capabilities.

Factors Influencing Instructor’s Recommendation

An archery instructor will take into account various factors when making a recommendation. This includes observing your shooting technique, assessing your skill level, and considering any physical limitations or restrictions you may have. They will also take into account your dominant hand and eye dominance to ensure that the bow selected provides the best possible match for your individual needs.

Bow Availability

Limited Availability of Left-handed Bows

One factor that can influence the decision between a right- or left-handed bow is the availability of equipment. It is worth noting that left-handed bows may be less readily available compared to right-handed bows. This is because the majority of the population is right-handed, resulting in manufacturers producing a higher quantity of right-handed bow models. If left-handed bows are not easily accessible, it may be necessary for left-handed individuals to adapt to shooting with a right-handed bow.

Adapting to Right-handed Bows

Adapting to shooting with a right-handed bow is a possibility for left-handed individuals. With the assistance of a skilled archery instructor, it is possible to modify the shooting technique to accommodate a right-handed bow. While it may require some additional training and adjustment, it is a viable option for those who are unable to access left-handed bows. It is important to work closely with an instructor to ensure that the necessary modifications are made to maintain accuracy and consistency in shooting.

Training Adjustment

Relearning Technique

For left-handed individuals who adapt to shooting with a right-handed bow, it is essential to understand that the shooting technique will need to be adjusted. This means relearning certain aspects of the archery form, such as anchor points, release technique, and body positioning. With practice and dedication, it is possible to achieve proficiency in shooting with a different hand and maintain accuracy.

Specific Challenges for Left-handed Archers

Left-handed archers may face specific challenges when shooting with a right-handed bow. Since the bow is designed for right-handed individuals, the alignment of the bow arm and the aiming eye may not be as natural or intuitive. Additionally, certain aspects of the shooting technique may feel less comfortable for left-handed individuals. Nevertheless, with proper training and adjustment, these challenges can be overcome, allowing left-handed archers to excel in the sport.

Competition Considerations

Rules and Regulations

In competitive archery, there are rules and regulations governing the use of right- or left-handed bows. It is important to familiarize yourself with these rules to ensure compliance and avoid any penalties or disqualifications. Different archery organizations may have slightly different regulations, so it is essential to consult the specific guidelines of the competitions you wish to participate in.

Competitive Advantage

Depending on the competition and the skills of the archers involved, there may be certain advantages or disadvantages associated with using a right- or left-handed bow. These advantages or disadvantages can vary based on factors such as the layout of the shooting range, the positioning of targets, and the sequence of shooting. It is important to consider these factors and how they might impact your performance when choosing a bow for competitive archery.

Personal Preference

Comfort and Accuracy

Ultimately, personal preference plays a significant role in the decision-making process. While factors such as dominant hand, eye dominance, and instructor’s recommendation provide valuable guidance, it is important to choose a bow that feels comfortable and allows for consistent accuracy. The more comfortable and at ease you are with your bow, the more enjoyable and rewarding your archery experience will be.

Experimentation and Self-discovery

Archery is a sport that offers the opportunity for self-discovery and experimentation. It is essential to be open-minded and willing to try different setups and configurations to find what works best for you. Don’t be afraid to test different bows, grips, and accessories to fine-tune your equipment and shooting technique. Through this process, you will gain a deeper understanding of your personal preferences and develop a unique shooting style.


In conclusion, the decision to use a right- or left-handed bow should be based on a combination of factors, including dominant hand, eye dominance, physical preference, instructor’s recommendation, and bow availability. While it is generally recommended to use a bow that matches your dominant hand, there are circumstances where adaptation to shooting with a different hand may be necessary. Seeking professional guidance and considering personal preferences will help you make an informed decision that enhances your archery experience and maximizes your potential as an archer. Remember to stay open-minded, experiment, and enjoy the journey of discovering your optimal shooting style.