How To Know If You Were Born Left-handed?

Have you ever wondered if you were born left-handed? Discovering which hand you were naturally inclined to use from a young age is quite intriguing. In this article, we will explore a few interesting clues that can help you determine if you have always been a member of the left-handed club. From the way you hold your cutlery to the inclination of your handwriting, these signs can provide fascinating insights into your natural handedness. So, get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery as we unravel the mystery of your dominant hand!

Physical signs

Left-handedness in motor skills

One of the first physical signs that may indicate left-handedness is the preference for using the left hand for fine motor skills. From an early age, you may have noticed that you naturally lean towards using your left hand for tasks such as holding a pencil or utensil, using scissors, or throwing a ball. This preference for left-handed motor skills can be a strong indicator that you were born left-handed.

Preference for left hand in daily activities

In addition to motor skills, observing your preference for the left hand in daily activities is another key physical sign. Pay attention to how you naturally reach for objects, grab items, or perform routine tasks. If you consistently favor using your left hand over your right hand, it suggests a natural inclination towards left-handedness.

Dominant eye test

Determining your dominant eye can also provide insights into your handedness. The dominant eye is the eye that your brain favors when it comes to processing visual information. You can perform a simple test to identify your dominant eye by extending your arms and creating a small triangular opening with your thumbs and index fingers. Focus on an object in the distance and gradually bring it closer while keeping both eyes open. Your dominant eye is the one that remains focused on the object. If your dominant eye aligns with your left hand, it is another indication of being left-handed.


Cross-dominance refers to individuals who exhibit a mix of left-handedness and right-handedness in different activities. For example, you may prefer using your left hand for writing but favor your right hand for throwing a ball. This unique characteristic is often observed in left-handed individuals and further confirms your natural tendency towards left-handedness.

Psychological indicators

Preference for certain toys or tools

Psychological indicators can also shed light on left-handedness. In childhood, you may have exhibited a preference for particular toys or tools that catered to left-handed individuals. This could include objects such as left-handed scissors or left-handed mugs, which may have felt more comfortable and natural to use compared to their right-handed counterparts.

Mirror writing

Mirror writing is another psychological indicator that may suggest left-handedness. If you find yourself naturally writing in reverse and from right to left, resembling a mirror reflection, it is a unique trait often associated with left-handedness. This peculiar ability is due to your brain’s inclination to process information differently, resulting in mirror-like writing.

Handedness questionnaire

Completing a handedness questionnaire can provide additional insights into your dominant hand preference. These questionnaires evaluate your most comfortable hand for various activities, such as writing, eating, throwing, and brushing your teeth. By assessing your consistent preference for the left hand in multiple tasks, a handedness questionnaire can confirm your left-handedness.

Family history

Observing left-handed family members

Family history can be a strong indicator of left-handedness. If you have any left-handed family members, such as parents, siblings, or grandparents, it increases the likelihood of you being born left-handed. Observing and discussing their hand preferences with them can provide valuable information about your own hand dominance.

Discussing hand preference with family

Engaging in conversations with your family about hand preference can offer deeper insight into your left-handedness. Sharing experiences and anecdotes about the dominance of the left hand within your family can help you uncover the familial patterns of left-handedness and validate your own natural inclination.

Observing early development

Infant hand preference

Even in infancy, hand preference can provide clues about being born left-handed. Observing which hand your infant reaches for objects with or displays a stronger preference for can give you an early indication of their hand dominance. If you consistently favored your left hand as an infant, it is highly likely that you were born left-handed.

Behavioral observations in early childhood

Watch for behavioral patterns during early childhood that align with left-handedness. Notice whether you instinctively reach for objects with your left hand or show discomfort or unsteadiness when using your right hand for certain tasks. These observations can provide valuable evidence of your natural handedness.

Educational records

School assignments and progress

If you are unsure about your left-handedness, your educational records can offer significant insights. School assignments that required handwriting or other fine motor skills can show a consistent preference for using your left hand. Review your academic work and how you performed certain tasks to identify any recurrent signs of left-handedness.

Teacher observations

Teachers often have a keen eye for identifying left-handed students. They may have made note of your tendency to use your left hand for various activities or any difficulties you might have faced when using right-handed materials. Consult with your past teachers or review any teacher evaluations to gather information about their observations regarding your left-handedness.

Testing left-handedness

Performing simple tasks

To confirm your left-handedness, you can perform simple tasks that demonstrate hand dominance. These tasks can include writing, brushing your teeth, throwing or catching a ball, or using a utensil. Observe which hand feels more comfortable and natural to use, as well as which hand demonstrates greater dexterity and control.

Observing handwriting

Handwriting analysis can provide significant clues about your dominant hand. Examine the characteristics of your handwriting, such as slant, pressure, and letter formation. Left-handed individuals often exhibit specific traits in their handwriting that differ from right-handed individuals, such as a leftward slant or a more hooked hand position while writing.

Physical examination

A physical examination by a medical professional can help determine your handedness. The examination may include evaluating differences in muscle strength and fine motor skills between your dominant and non-dominant hand. By analyzing these physical attributes, a healthcare provider can further confirm your left-handedness.

Professional evaluation

Consulting with an expert

To receive a comprehensive evaluation of your left-handedness, consider consulting with an expert in the field. An expert, such as a psychologist or a hand specialist, can assess various aspects of your hand preference and conduct specific tests to confirm your left-handedness. They can provide personalized guidance and support based on their professional knowledge.

Psychological assessment

A psychological assessment tailored to evaluating handedness can provide a detailed understanding of your left-handedness. This assessment involves a series of tests and tasks that assess hand preference, motor skills, and cognitive functioning. By analyzing the results, a psychologist can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommendations regarding your unique handedness.

Differences in brain structure

MRI scans

Modern technology, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has enabled researchers to examine brain structure and identify differences between left-handed and right-handed individuals. MRI scans can reveal asymmetrical brain development, particularly in areas associated with language processing and motor control, confirming the neurological basis of left-handedness.

Functional imaging studies

Functional imaging studies, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), offer insights into brain activity during specific tasks. These studies can demonstrate variations in brain activation patterns between left-handed and right-handed individuals, indicating the functional differences that accompany handedness. By comparing your brain’s activity patterns to these studies, you can gain a deeper understanding of the neurological underpinnings of your left-handedness.

Understanding genetic factors

Inheritance patterns

Left-handedness often runs in families, suggesting a genetic link to handedness preference. While the exact genetic mechanisms are not yet fully understood, research has indicated that left-handedness can be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Studying the inheritance patterns within your family can provide valuable insights into the possible genetic basis of your left-handedness.

Twin studies

Twin studies have extensively examined the role of genetics in handedness. Comparing the handedness of identical twins who share the same genetic makeup to that of fraternal twins who do not, researchers have found a higher concordance rate for left-handedness among identical twins. This suggests a genetic factor contributing to left-handedness and emphasizes the importance of genetic influences in determining handedness.

Genetic testing

While not common practice, genetic testing can provide further confirmation of your left-handedness by examining specific genes associated with handedness. However, it is essential to note that genetic testing is still a developing field, and current tests may not provide a definitive diagnosis for left-handedness. Nevertheless, genetic testing can contribute valuable information to the ongoing research on the genetics of handedness.

Embracing left-handedness

Challenges and advantages

Being left-handed comes with its unique challenges and advantages. While left-handed individuals may face difficulties in a predominantly right-handed world, such as using right-handed tools or experiencing discomfort when manipulating certain objects, they also possess distinct cognitive advantages. Research suggests that left-handedness is associated with enhanced creativity, divergent thinking, and problem-solving skills. Embracing and celebrating your left-handedness can help you appreciate these advantages and navigate the challenges with confidence.

Finding left-handed tools

To adapt to a world designed primarily for right-handed individuals, it is important to find and use left-handed tools whenever possible. Left-handed tools, such as scissors, kitchen utensils, and musical instruments, are specifically designed to cater to the needs of left-handed individuals, allowing for greater functionality and comfort. Exploring specialty stores, online retailers, or local communities dedicated to left-handed individuals can help you find these tools and make your everyday life more convenient.

Supportive communities

Connecting with supportive communities of left-handed individuals can be a valuable resource for navigating the challenges and experiences associated with left-handedness. Online platforms, social media groups, or local organizations dedicated to left-handed individuals offer a platform for sharing stories, discussing common issues, and seeking advice. Engaging with these communities can help you embrace your left-handedness and gain a sense of belonging among like-minded individuals.

In conclusion, determining if you were born left-handed involves observing physical signs, recognizing psychological indicators, exploring family history, observing early development, reviewing educational records, performing tests, undergoing professional evaluations, studying brain structure, understanding genetic factors, and embracing your left-handedness in a supportive community. By considering all these aspects, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your left-handedness and celebrate this unique characteristic that sets you apart.