Customizing Right-Handed Guitars for Left-Handed Players: A DIY Guide

Customizing Right-Handed Guitars for Left-Handed Players: A DIY Guide

Customizing Right-Handed Guitars for Left-Handed Players: A DIY Guide


In this comprehensive DIY guide, we will explore the process of customizing right-handed guitars for left-handed players. Whether you are a guitarist looking to make the most out of your instrument or a left-handed player who has been struggling to find a suitable guitar, this article will provide you with the knowledge and tools to make the necessary adjustments. We will cover step-by-step instructions, tips, and insights based on first-hand experiences to help you create a left-handed guitar that suits your style and preferences.

1. Understanding the Challenges of Playing Right-Handed Guitars as a Left-Handed Player

Before we delve into the customization process, it’s important to understand the challenges faced by left-handed players when using standard right-handed guitars. As a left-handed player, your dominant hand is your left hand, which typically requires you to play the strings in reverse order compared to a right-handed player. This reversal poses considerable challenges in terms of hand dexterity, finger placement, and overall comfort. By customizing a right-handed guitar to suit your needs, you can overcome these challenges and play with ease.

2. Selecting the Right Guitar for Customization

When choosing a guitar to customize, it’s crucial to consider its structural suitability for left-handed use. Look for a guitar with a symmetrical body shape, which allows for easier customization. Additionally, consider the neck shape and scale length to ensure optimal playability. While any guitar can be customized, these factors will make the process smoother and more successful.

3. Reversing the Strings

To begin customizing your guitar for left-handed use, the first step is to reverse the strings. This process involves removing the existing strings and restringing them in the reverse order. Start by removing the old strings using a string winder or by loosening them manually. As you replace each string, make sure to tune it properly to ensure proper intonation and sound quality.

4. Adjusting the Nut

One of the critical elements in a left-handed conversion is adjusting the nut. The nut is the small piece located at the top of the guitar’s fretboard that holds the strings in place. To accommodate left-handed playing, the nut slots need to be adjusted. Use a small file to widen the slots for the lower-pitched strings (E, A, and D) while making them shallower for the higher-pitched strings (G, B, and E). Take your time and regularly check the string height to ensure proper playability.

5. Flipping the Bridge Saddle

The bridge saddle is located on the opposite side of the guitar’s body from the nut and helps determine the string height and overall action. For left-handed play, the bridge saddle needs to be flipped to mirror the right-handed configuration. Remove the saddle, flip it over, and reinsert it into the bridge slot. This adjustment ensures that the string length and height are suitable for left-handed playing.

6. Modifying the Pickup Configuration

If your guitar incorporates multiple pickups, it may be necessary to modify the pickup configuration for optimal left-handed playability. This step requires technical expertise, so if you’re not confident in your abilities, it’s advisable to seek assistance from a professional guitar technician. By rewiring the pickups, you can ensure that the output signal and tone are balanced and suitable for left-handed playing.

7. Adjusting the Strap Button

To maximize comfort and convenience while playing a left-handed guitar, it’s essential to adjust the strap button. This adjustment involves relocating the lower strap button from the standard right-handed position to the upper horn of the guitar. Consider the balance and weight distribution of the instrument while choosing the new location for optimal stability and playability.

8. Ensuring Proper Intonation and Setup

After completing the customization process, it’s crucial to check the intonation and perform a complete setup. Adjusting the intonation ensures that the guitar plays in tune across all frets, providing accurate pitch representation. A complete setup includes adjusting the action, truss rod, and other necessary elements to optimize playability, string height, and overall performance. If you’re unsure about these adjustments, consulting a professional guitar technician is recommended.

9. Additional Considerations for Left-Handed Players

Aside from customizing the guitar, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind as a left-handed player. It’s important to explore left-handed guitar chord charts and diagrams that illustrate the finger placement for chords in a left-handed configuration. Additionally, be aware that left-handed guitars may be harder to find and may have a higher price tag, so exploring different brands and models is advisable to find the best fit for your needs.


Q1: Can any right-handed guitar be converted for left-handed use?

A1: In theory, any right-handed guitar can be converted for left-handed use, but some guitars may be more structurally suitable than others. Look for guitars with symmetrical body shapes and consider the neck shape and scale length for optimal playability.

Q2: Do I need any special tools or equipment to customize a right-handed guitar for left-handed use?

A2: While not mandatory, having a few basic tools like a string winder, small files, and screwdrivers can make the customization process easier and more efficient.

Q3: Is it possible to revert a left-handed customization back to a right-handed configuration?

A3: Yes, it is possible to revert a left-handed customization back to a right-handed configuration. However, some modifications, such as adjusting the nut or flipping the bridge saddle, may require additional professional assistance.

Q4: Can I buy a pre-made left-handed guitar instead of customizing a right-handed one?

A4: Yes, you can buy pre-made left-handed guitars. However, the selection may be more limited, and left-handed guitars often come at a higher price point.

Q5: How should I choose a guitar that suits my playing style?

A5: When choosing a guitar, factors such as body shape, neck profile, and scale length should be considered to match your playing style and preferences. Experimenting with different brands and models can help you find the right fit.

Q6: Can I customize an acoustic guitar for left-handed use?

A6: Absolutely! The customization process described in this guide applies to both electric and acoustic guitars.


Customizing a right-handed guitar for left-handed play may seem daunting, but with the right knowledge and tools, it is a feasible and rewarding endeavor. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this DIY guide, you can transform a standard right-handed instrument into a left-handed guitar that suits your style and preferences. Remember to take your time, seek professional assistance when needed, and enjoy the process of creating a customized instrument tailored to your needs. Happy playing!